What is possible as a Transformational

Life Coach?


Discover how to bring out the best in you and others with the latest evolution in NLP based transformational coaching.

What is possible as a Transformation

Life Coach?


Discover how to bring out the best in you and others with the latest evolution in NLP based transformational coaching.

Discover what is possible as a Transformational Life Coach

Join Our Free Zoom

Discover how to bring out the best in you and others with the latest evolution in NLP based transformational coaching.









Introducing the next evolution in NLP Coaching

Join Our Free Zoom

Discover how to bring out the best in you and others with the latest evolution in transformational NLP based coaching.









With Transformational Life Coaching skills,

you'll be able to positively influence

virtually any human behaviour

What if you could...


Your Best You

  • Reveal more about your uniquely perfect you!
  • Curiously discover what limits, motivates and drives your behaviour and results.
  • Gently transform old limiting unconscious patterns into new empowering wisdom.
  • Discover the secrets to creating extraordinary relationships
  • Gently resolve conflict in a way that strengthens relationships.


Amplify your professional success

  • Discover new perspectives and levels of detail that reveal what is really going on.
  • Read unconscious body language to better understand what people really mean but may not say.
  • Get clear on your purpose and important goals, and then accelerate through the steps to get there.
  • Awaken new levels of emotional intelligence that underpins inspirational leadership.


Support, coach and influence others to be their best

  • Be able to rapidly build (and break) rapport with anyone you choose
  • Confidently navigate the complex dynamics of unconscious relationships
  • Empower others to solve their own problems through gentle and yet powerful coaching techniques.
  • Negotiate vastly better outcomes using the same strategies used by world leading negotiators.

Yes, it is possible!

Our Calibrate Life Coach training offers you the opportunity to Be Your Best You with the latest evolution of transformative coaching skills, the tools, AND support to harness the extraordinary power of your mind, solve almost any problem, and create the kind of life you secretly dream of.

Then, if you choose, you can coach others to do the same and Be Their Best!

Why would these skills be important to you?

So what is a 'Transformational' Life Coach?

 Let's clarify something important...

Not all life coaches are the same.

There are life coaching models that set up plans and steps for their clients to achieve goals and then they hold  them accountable. Think 'carrot and stick' style coaching.

Then there are life coaching models that throw a bunch of 'coaching questions', hoping that one of them sticks and motivates their client into action.

But Transformational Life Coaching is very different to these models.


As a Transformational Life Coach, you will discover:

  • How our mind, body and soul actually work together to create our reality
  • How to read body language and subtle unconscious ques
  • How our language reveals our internal world
  • How specific coaching questions expand our awareness, effectively transforming problems into new wisdom
  • How to clear the stuff that stops us from achieving our goals
  • How to align the necessary conscious and unconscious steps that compel our clients towards achieving their goals.

Importantly, Transformational life coaches do not counsel. We do not give advice.

Instead we empower our clients on how they can navigate their own minds, solve their own problems, build true wisdom and achieve their own goals.

It's a big difference that makes for lasting transformational change.

So if this these are the kinds of skills you would like for your self, or to be coaching others, then I'm looking forward to showing you more.

Live  Training

Easy Pay


6 x monthly payments

10 Day Intensive


9am to 5:30pm

Where: Via Zoom

What you get:

  • NLP Practitioner Certificate
  • Neuro Relationship Certificate
  • Calibrate Coach Certificate
  • Bonus: Quick Scripts

Save 20%


one-time payment

10 Day Intensive


9am to 5:30pm

Where: Via Zoom

What you get:

  • NLP Practitioner Certificate
  • Neuro Relationship Certificate
  • Calibrate Coach Certificate
  • Bonus: Quick Scripts

The Curriculum

What People Are Saying

Our students' success speaks volumes.

"More than I could have ever dreamed of!"

Imagine, if you will, the feeling that you get when someone encourages and empowers you to solve your own problem!

Julie-Anne does exactly that.

I met Julie-Anne a few years ago and was instantly drawn to her positive energy and perspectives about the world. Her unique approach to any situation or problem had me intrigued. We had many conversations about different things and each time I left the conversation feeling like I had learned, or understood, something a little better. I was also able to come up with my own solutions that I knew would work for me, all within the context of a simple conversation.

Fast forward a few years (and many more conversations later!) the opportunity to study with this amazing human being presented itself. I jumped at the chance to learn from someone I completely trusted, and was very excited about the training.

I had been interested in NLP for a long time and when I signed up to do the course I was hoping to be able to understand myself a little better.

But I discovered so much more…

Admittedly, I was a little nervous at first, but my journey through the training led me to see that we can all do amazing things to help not only ourselves, but others as well.

This incredible knowledge is inside all of us- and when you have an amazing teacher/trainer/mentor like Julie-Anne, that helps you reveal it to yourself, you really feel like anything is possible.

Not only was the course fun and challenging, it provided me with much more than I could have ever dreamed of.

Julie-Anne’s relaxed and encouraging teaching style made for a wonderful learning environment where we felt safe enough to explore many different concepts to do with human nature and understanding other people.

I highly recommend Julie-Anne's NLP Practitioner course to anyone who is curious about finding out more not only about yourself and how you see your world, seeking out the opportunities to grow and learn, and understanding other people and making the most of any situation.

Christine Clements

Events Coordinator

Charles Sturt University

"...Much Deeper Appreciation"

I now have a much deeper appreciation for where other people are at and greater sense of how to communicate with others more effectively. I feel much more self-empowered and comfortable within myself.

Lindy Cummins

Holistic Therapist

"...A Place Of Total Alignment"

How great it is to be in a place of total alignment. Where everything is just flowing, where I know what I'm doing is right for now and for a purpose.

Erin Sharwood

Educator & Wellbeing Coach

Frequently Asked Questions


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